【同义词练习】 第25/30周(2023.10.09--2023.10.15)

作者: 纤竹无泪、拒泪 | 时间: 2023-10-19 13:48:41 | 英语学习|
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发表于 2023-10-19 13:48:41| 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1/28)1. implies institution, establishment, or enactment by a supreme or unquestioned authority: nature has ~ed that we humans either swelter or shiver.  a) impose2. implies a subjecting to what must be borne, endured or submitted to: morality cannot be ~d by law.  b) decree3. implies an authoritative directive given orally or as if orally: in matters of love, do as the heart ~s.  c) dictate4. applies especially to the giving up of an unexpired office or trust: forced to ~ from office.  d) resign5. implies an authoritative pronouncement that is clear, definite, and incontrovertible:  the ~d procedure for requesting new supplies.  e) prescribe6. implies a formal pronouncement by one of great or absolute authority: the Pope ~d that next year will be a Holy Year.  f) ordainfacdeb Right group dictate mean to issue something to be followed, observed, obeyed, or accepted.

2/28)1. denotes a complex organic poison produced by a living organism, especially a bacterial or virus: the ~s causing the plague; it may also imply an insidious undermining effect like that of a bacterial toxin: a nation undermined by the ~ of ethnic divisiveness.  a) venom2. may apply to any cause of ruin, destruction, or tribulation: the ~ of his existence.  b) poison3. is applicable to any deadly or noxious substance (such as strychnine, arsenic, or carbon monoxide) or to anything felt to have a comparable effect: a friendship destroyed by the ~ of jealousy.  c) bane4. stresses the use of charm and persuation to deceive: his ingratiating ways ~d us all.  d) beguile5. applies to what is felt to have a corrupting quality poisonous to mind and spirit: the ~ of apathy; or to a submicroscopic agent of infection working with insidious deadliness or destructiveness: the ~ that caused AIDS.  e) toxin6. applies to a poison-containing fluid secreted by an animal such as snake, bee, or spider and injected into another animal in defensive or predatory action; it may also imply a malignant hostility: a review full of ~.  f) virusecbdfa Right group poison mean material that when present in or introduced into a living organism produces a deadly or injurious effect.

3/28)1. suggests a divergence from the usual or normal, especially in behavior: the ~ eating habits of young children.  a) strange2. stresses unfamilarity and may apply to the foreign, the unnatural, the unacccountable, or the new: immigrants adjusting to ~ new customs.  b) odd3. suggests an old-fasioned but pleasant oddness: a ~ and remote village in the mountains.  c) eccentric4. applies to what is uncouth, bizarre, or barbaric: islanders having ~ customs and suprestitions.  d) quaint5. suggests a dubious sometimes sinister oddness: puzzled by the ~ happenings since her arrival.  e) peculiar6. implies an absence of peers and the fact of being without a known parallel: a career that was ~ in the annals of science.  f) unique7. stresses a capricious and unpredictable wandering or deviating form the normal or expected: disburbed by his friend's ~ behavior.  g) queer8. applies to the upper inner rim of something hollow: fill the cup to the ~.  h) outlandish9. suggests individuality and puzzling strangeness: a ~ feeling of impending disaster.  i) brim10. applies  to a possibly fantasic departure from the regular or expected: an ~ sense of humor.  j) erratic11. implies a marked distinctiveness: a problem ~ to inner-city areas.  k) singularcadhgfjikbe Right <i>group strange mean departing or varying from what is ordinary, usual, or to be expected.首字母SSUPEEOQQO组合成eq so eq soup(因为)平等所以汤相等
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