
作者: 纤竹无泪、拒泪 | 时间: 2023-8-29 01:05:48 | 英语学习|
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发表于 2023-8-29 01:05:48| 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Asking for Help

We all need help at work from time to time, but it’s not always easy to ask for it.

You may worry about seeming annoying or incompetent, but seeking support isn’t a weakness. In fact, it’s often the difference between failure and success.

Of course, you can’t ask for help all the time, so how do you know when you should? Start by asking yourself these questions:

Is it my responsibility? Consider whether the task in question is really down to you and whether you have the skills and knowledge you need to complete it. If the task belongs to someone else, tell them so, explaining your thinking clearly and politely. If in doubt, ask your manager.

What’s the timescale? If you need to do a job quickly, but you’re not sure how to do it, you’ll need to ask for help straight away. But, if you have more time, try to figure it out for yourself. Pause and consider your options before asking for help. Many jobs are easier than they first appear when you try and break them down.

Who should I ask? Consider your close colleagues first. People you know you can trust from your own team or your professional network. Then think about other people who have access to the resources, knowledge or skills you need. When you’ve chosen the best person to ask, pick the right moment to approach them. Avoid times when they’re obviously rushed or busy.

How should I ask? Think carefully about how you’ll phrase and structure your request. People will respond much better to a clear, well-defined request that outlines the issue and takes into consideration their availability and skills. Be confident as well. People are often happy to share their knowledge, and might even be flattered that you’ve asked, but, if you seem nervous, they may not understand the urgency and may be more reluctant to get involved. They might even be suspicious of your motives. Consider any questions they might ask and how you’ll respond to pushback.

Finally, show your appreciation. When someone agrees to help you, always say “thank you.” And, if it’s appropriate, consider ways you can either celebrate or reward them for offering their help.

If you get it right, asking someone for help can be as valuable for them as it is for you. It might be a chance for them to showcase and share their skills or to increase their confidence by teaching someone else. It can also help to create a culture of cooperation and collaboration where people are happy to share knowledge and find solutions together.
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