【同义词练习】 第14/30周(2023.07.24--2023.07.30)

作者: 纤竹无泪、拒泪 | 时间: 2023-7-29 18:51:32 | 英语学习|
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发表于 2023-7-29 18:51:32| 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1/34)1. suggests ingenuity and subtlety in devising, inventing or executing: a mystery thriller written with great ~.  a) artifice2. suggests mechanical skill esp. in imitating things in nature, but implies a lack of real creative power and a degree of artificiality: a painter with much of the ~ of Rubens but none of the art. (Rubens鲁宾斯荷兰画家)  b) skill3. implies explicitness and usually formality in making known: the referee ~ the contest a draw.  c) cunning4. may imply ingenuity and skill but tends to suggest expertness in workmanship and facility in the use of tools: a saltcellar wrought with ~ worthy of Cellini.(Cellini切里尼: 意大利金银器皿工匠和雕刻家,劳力士手表箱包珠宝品牌)   d) craft5. stresses technical knowledge and proficiency: the ~ required of a surgeon. (proficiency精通:强调全面熟练使用的能力thorough competence from training or drilling)  e) art6. distinctively implies a personal, unanalyzable creative power: an ~ for saying the right thing.  f) declarecafdbe Right group art mean the faculty of executing expertly what one has planned or devised即高超(expertly)的推进计划。expert专家: 非常高超的专业知识和技术

2/34)1. implies a loss of position, worth, value, or dignity: issued a ~d coinage.  a) debase2. may simply imply the opposite of praise, but more often suggests the placing of responsibility or guilt for wrongdoing: ~ herself for the accident.  b) debauch3. implies loss of soundness, purity, or integrity through the action of debasing or destroying influences: believes that jargon ~s the language. (integrity 1正直,2完整 ,如territorial integrity领土完整)  c) deprave4. implies the impairment or destruction of purity, validity, or effectiveness by introduction of a fault or defect: partisanship and factionalism ~d our foreign policy. (impair损害恶化: 使完整有效性降低to make less complete or efficient by deterioration,如years of smoking had impaired his health长年吸烟损害了他的健康)  (defect本质缺陷,使无法运转, 如the smoke detector failed because of a mechanical defect由于机械缺陷烟雾探测器失效)  d) corrupt5. implies a twisting or distorting from what is natural or normal so as to debase it completely: ~ed the original goals of the institute.  e) vitiate6. implies a demoralizing or debasing through sensual indulgence: led a ~ed life after the divorce.  f) blame7. implies moral deterioration by evil thoughts or influences: hoping to banish ~d thoughts. (banish驱逐流放,如John was banished from England to Australia约翰被逐出英格兰流放到澳大利亚,例句表示努力排除)  g) pervertafdegbc Right group debase mean to cause deterioration or lowering in quality or character.

3/34)1. basically applies to animals hunted or killed for food by other animals and is often extended to a victim of something suggestive of a rapacious predator: consumers who are easy ~ for advertisers.  a) quarry2. suggests obvious external signs of nervous or emotional excitement: in his ~d state he was unfit to go to work.  b) victim3. basically applies to a living being killed as a sacrifice to a divinity, but in more general use it applies to one killed, injured, ruined, or badly treated either by a ruthless person or by an impersonal power that admits of no effective resistance: ~s of wars and disasters.  c) agitate4. basically applies to a victim of the chase and in more general use may apply to one pursued intensely as well as to one actually taken by the hunter or pursuer: the private investigator stalked her ~ relentlessly.  d) preydcba Right group victim mean one killed or injured for the ends of the one who kills or injures.

4/34)1. an informal equivalent of effrontery, stresses hardihood: the ~ of that guy.  a) hardihood2. suggests presumptuous boldness arising from rashness and contempt of danger: had the ~ to ask for a favor after that insult.  b) nerve3. implies a disregard of restraints commonly imposely by convention and prudence: an entrepreneur with ~ and vision.  c) temerity4. implies shameless and arrogant disregard of propriety and coutesy: had the ~ to tell me how to do my job.  d) secure5. also a substitue for effrontery, implies impudent self-assurance: has the ~ to bill herself as a singer.  e) cheek6. implies firmness of purpose in daring and defiance: no serious scientist had the ~ to claim that.  f) effrontery7. like nerve and cheek, but stresses insolence: had the ~ to demand some evidence.  g) audacity8. adds to nerve and gall the notion of supreme confidence: his ~ got him into the exclusive party.  h) chutzpah9. usually stress freedom from anxiety and apprehension of danger or risk based on grounds that are sound and sufficient: ~ themselves from the harm.  i) gallbcgfeaihd Right:) group temerity mean conspicuous or flagrant boldness.

5/34)1. stresses distance and is often preferred when distance in time is specifically implied: some ~ day.  a) far2. stresses separation and implies an obvious interval whether long or short: went to live in a ~ city.  b) faraway3. differs little from far-off but may sometimes connote a hazy remoteness or even obscurity: began to have a ~ look in her eyes.  c) hue4. in most of its uses applies to what is a long way off: retreat to the ~ reaches of the wilderness.  d) distant5. may be a close synonym of color: flowers of many ~s; but suggests gradation or modification of colors: the many green ~s of spring.  gradation递进modification渐变  e) removed6. suggests a far removal from one's point of view, time, or location and is likely to connote a consequent lessening of importance to oneself: spent her life on a ~ island.  f) far-off7. carries a stronger implication of separateness and may suggest a contrast not only in  time and space but in character or quality: sought a quiet retreat, ~ from the everyday world and its tensions.  g) remotefdbacge Right:) group distant mean not close in space, time, or relationship.

6/34)1. often interchangeable with contaminate, implies the process which begins with contamination is complete and which was pure and clean has been made foul or poisonous: ~ the waters of the lake, so that it became in parts no better than an open cesspool.  a) control2. stresses loss of  purity and cleanliness that follows contamination: the scandal ~ the rest of his political career.  b) taint3. implies intrusion of and contact with dirt and foulness from an outside source: water ~ by industrial wastes.  c) pollute4. implies befouling of what could or should have kept clean and pure or held sacred and suggests violation or desecration: ~ a hero's memory with slanderous inuendo.  d) contaminate5. stresses the power to direct and restrain: you are responsible for students under your ~.  e) defilecbdea Right:) <i>group contaminate mean to make impure or unclean.首字母CTPD想成Chu Peng Dao Tu触碰到土
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