【同义词练习】 第29/30周(2023.11.06--2023.11.12)

作者: datatune | 时间: 2023-11-12 19:34:11 | 英语学习|
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发表于 2023-11-12 19:34:11| 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1/35)1. suggests a real, sometimes a designed, relationship, but one which is secondary and nonessential: expenses ~ to the performanceof her job.  a) accidental2. implies a lack of essential relationship and may suggest casual addition or irrelevance: avoided elaborate designs with superfluous or ~ elements.   b) accidental3. SO strongly suggests chance THAT it often connotes entire absence of cause: believes that life is more than a series of ~ events.  c) incidental4. suggests possibility of happening but stresses uncertainty and dependence on other future events: the ~ effects of a proposed amendment to the constitution.   d) adventitious5. stresses chance or unexpected occurrence: any resemblance to actual persons is entirely ~. (chance偶然: determination by irrational, uncontrollable forces由无法理解不可控的力量决定)  e) fortuitous6. stresses lack of real or apparent premeditation or intent: a ~ encounter of two acquaintances.  f) casual7. retains its basic notion of chance occurrence but may also imply nonessential character: the essential and ~ values of an education. 翻译成“教育的本质和非本质价值”  g) contingentWrong cdegbfa Right group accidental mean not being part of the real or essential nature of something.

2/35)1. stress essential and formative relationship of the elements, substances and qualities TO the whole: analyzed the ~ of the district.  a) ingredient2. applies to any element or constituent whose presence helps to perform a certain kind of work or produce a particular result: price was a ~ in her decision to buy.  b) factor3. applies to any such part and oft. connotes inreducable simplicity: basic ~ of the Gothic novel.  c) element4. applies to any substances that can be combined to form a mixture that has qualities  that may be different from its constituents: the ~ of a cocktail.  d) constituent5. stress separate identity and distinguishable character of the elements: able to identify every ~ of his firearm.  e) componentdbcae Right group element mean one of the parts, substances, or principles of a compound or complex whole.

3/35)1. implies an increasing of gravity or seriousness of sth already bad or undesirable: the problem has been ~ by neglect.  a) aggravate2. sug. a lifting above ordinary or accoustomed: special effects of the movie ~ the sense of horror.  b) intensify3. implies strengthing or raising such qualities as desirability, value, or attractiveness: the shrubbery ~ the grounds of the estate.  c) enhance4. implies a strenghening or deepening of a thing or its characteristic quality: police ~ their investigation.  d) heightenadcb Right group intensify mean to increase markedly in measure or degree.

4/35)1. suggests extreme thinness and slightness or shrunkenness: ~ kitten.  a) spare2. implies tallness as well as leanness: the pale, ~ limbs of a prisoner of war.  b) rawboned3. implies marked thinness or emaciation as from overwork, undernourishment, or suffering: her ~ face showed the strain of poverty.  c) gaunt4. suggests a large ungainly build without implying undernourishment: ~ lumberjacks squeezed into a booth.  d) lanky5. suggests leanness from abstemious living or constant exercise: the ~ form of a long-distance runner.  e) skinny6. suggests awkwardness and loose-jointedness as well as thinness: a ~ youth, all arms and legs.  f) scrawny7. stresses lack of fat and of curving contours: a ~ race horse.  g) lean8. implies leanness that suggests deficient strength and vitality: ~ fashion models.  h) lankfhcbadge Right:) <i>group lean mean thin because of an absence of excess flesh.首字母GRSLSLSL工人瘦了瘦了瘦了
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