【同义词练习】 第11/30周(2023.07.03--2023.07.09)

作者: datatune | 时间: 2023-7-7 22:48:00 | 英语学习|
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发表于 2023-7-7 22:48:00| 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1/35)1. applies to an object or a formula of words believed to repel evil spirits or malign influences or to attract their opposites: a ~ against the evil eye; it may also apply to some quality that is appealing or attractive: captivated by the ~ of the old inn.  a) charm2. applied especially to something worn or carried on the person as a protection against evil, danger, or disease: protected by an ~ of jaguar teeth.  b) fetish3.primarily applicable to an astrological figure or image held to have magical power, such as to heal or protect, can also denote something that seems to exert a magical, extraordinary, and usually happy influence: wore the ring as a ~.  c) amulet4. implies the stating of a question or proposition for discussion usu. WITHOUT personal bias and without any attempt to prove OR disprove on the part of the propounder: ~ the thesis that all great music is inspried.  d) talisman5. is applied to an object that is regarded as sacred or magical or to something that is cherished unreasonably or obsessively: make a ~ of the Bill of Rights.  e) propoundacdeb Right group fetish mean an object believed to have the power to avert evil or attract good.

2/35)1. usually applies to an act or a practice and implies a forbearance from gratifying one's desires, whatever the motive: the ~ involved in following a rigid diet.  a) abnegation, self-abnegation2. implies an unwillingness to be held down by the facts, or a bias so great that one cannot clearly see or accurately estimate the exact situation: unable to tell the story without ~.  b) exaggeration3. commonly connotes personal sacrifice for a higher end: widely admired for his voluntary ~ of power.  c) self-denial4. both imply a high degree of unselfishness or a capacity for putting aside personal interest or desires: undertook all her duties with an air of ~; modesty verging on ~.  d) renunciationcbda Right group renunciation mean voluntary surrender or forgoing of something desired or desirable.

3/35)1. applies especially to things or situations whose existence, meaning, or realization is highly uncertain: whether the project will ever be finished is ~.  a) problematic2. implies rendering of aprrisal for assigning a taxable value, or for understanding or interpretating, or as a guide to action: officials are still ~ the damage.  b) value3. close to appraise, but does NOT implies expertness of judgement: a watercolor ~ by the donator at $500.  c) evaluate4. commonly a fixing by an expert of the monetary worth of a thing, but it may be used OF any intent to give a critical judgement: a real estate agent ~ the house.  d) estimate5. sug. an attempt to determine EITHER relative OR intrinsic value of sth. in terms other than monetary: instructors will ~ all students' work.  e) appraise6. a judgement, considered OR casual, that precedes OR takes the place of actual measuring, counting or testing out: ~ there were 100 people.  f) rate7. adds to estimate the implication of placing a thing in a scale of value: the actress was highly ~ by her peers.  g) assessagbecdf Right group estimate mean to judge something with respect to its worth or significance.

4/35)1. implies firmness of mind and will in the face of danger or extreme difficulty: the ~ to support unpopular causes.  a) tenacity2. suggests a keeping through a delay in letting go: ~ed them for questioning.  b) resolution3. stresses firm determination to achieve one's ends: the strong ~ of the pioneer woman.  c) courage4. suggests an ingrained capacity for meeting strain or difficulty with fortitude and resilience: a challenge that will test your ~.  d) mettle5. also suggests a quality of temperament enabling one to hold one's own or keep up one's morale when opposed or threatened: too many failures had broken the ~ of the man.  e) spirit6. adds to resolution implications of stubborn persistence and unwillingness to admit defeat: won the argument through sheer ~.  f) detaincfbdea Right:) <i>group courage mean having mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship.首字母CMSRT想成什么如此铁
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