
作者: ethan.wu | 时间: 2023-5-26 08:24:05 | 英语学习|
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发表于 2023-5-26 08:24:05| 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
"I love you, but I think when our lease is up nextyear, we might have to start living apart for a while,"I said nervously to my boyfriend as I packed up mysuitcase. No, this wasn't a breakup, but a discussionabout how we should figure out our livingarrangements when I wanted to become a full-timedigital nomad.


For as long as I can remember, I've thought that the idea of living out of a suitcase was one ofthe most romantic, adventurous, incredible things one could do with their life. The idea ofselling all your possessions and only surviving off what could fit inside a carry-on bag was whatI figured was calling for me after a childhood of never traveling or going anywhere outside of myhome state.


And in my early adulthood, I had finally done it in a lot of ways. In college, I packed upeverything and went off to study abroad in England for three months and lived off what I hadbrought with me (while also purchasing a huge amount of clothes from the local Primark).


I moved to Los Angeles for a few months after graduating, with nothing except what could fitin my car as I headed from Seattle down the West Coast to my new home (all while picking up amultitude of home goods and appliances that I thought an adult should own). And then acouple of years later, I went back to the UK and did it again, except this time for eight monthswhile doing a creative writing program in London (all while taking weekly shopping trips downOxford Street, which soon filled up my closet).


In my naive mind, I thought I had conquered the nomadic lifestyle. I could move somewheretemporarily with just the small amount of things I owned and make a life for myself. And,truthfully, I sort of could. I'm great at starting anew. One of my favorite things in the world isgiving away everything I own and fitting the most important items into my bags and headingoff to a new city.

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