【NBC晚间新闻】 2023年07月笔记

作者: ethan.wu | 时间: 2023-8-13 22:53:22 | 英语学习|
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【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-31 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
before she was sentenced Valo De Bell offered no remorse: 在宣判前,她未表示忏悔
dabbed the "doomsday cult mom":  被称为"末日邪教母亲"   cult邪教狂热偶像崇拜
as the judge admonished Valo for showing no remorse: 法官责怪她不忏悔
despite the heinous crime: 令人恐惧的罪行   
free tonight on a 10000 dollar bond: 以10万美元保释
he is a crooked people: 不诚实(欺诈)的人  原意是弯曲的
acting like corleones with no experience: 做事像是没有经验的黑手党  Corleon: 美国本部黑手党柯里昂家族首领     
crowd chased off by tear gas before they could breach the outer walls: 人群被催泪瓦斯驱离,无法突破外墙
130 members were arrested by the Junta: 被军人集团逮捕   这个词很奇怪,英国读[?d??nt?],美国读[?h?nt?],视频里也是发/h/
to leave somebody in a hole: 使人处境艰难to leave someone in a hole: to be in a difficult or an embarrassing situation,如we've lost the order and we're in a bit of a hole丢失了订单,处境艰难
offering lower rates to truck freight for retailers big and small: 为大小零售商提供较低的货运价格
this was all brought upon them all of a sudden out of nowhere: 这对他们太突然了
to sift through new evidence: 过滤(检查)证据,是固定搭配   另外to pour through原意是倾泻,这里表示大量人员进入嫌犯的家

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-30 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
warring gangs: 战斗黑帮
a mother and her child have been caught up in all of that lawlessness: 以为母亲和孩子在无政府状态中被绑架
great badge of honor because I'm being indicted for you: 这是荣誉勋章,因为你们我才被起诉
legal battle on the election fraud: 选举舞弊    election听不出来
the price at the pump: 加油站的油价
coughing and wheezing: 咳嗽和哮喘    wheeze:喘息; 喘鸣
Ukraine seems to be taking the fight inside Russia: 乌克兰将战事带回到俄国
didnt appear to skip a beat: 看起来从容不迫(没有被打断)    to skip a beat被打断
guarding an image of complete control:
I'm glad we are suited up then: 我很高兴我们穿了防护服
dear heart recipient: 亲爱的心脏接收者
passed away in a motorcycle accident last year: 去年一次车祸中去世
i'm so proud of the person he grew into: 我为他的成长感到骄傲
66 a minute: 每分钟66下
they hope any attention their story gets will spire other people out there all of you to sign up as organ doners, that's their wish: 希望他们的故事能够激励其他人也登记为器官捐献者

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-29 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
booed off the stage: 被轰下讲台
flipped over: (飞机)翻过去
i was just telling everybody its God then trump: 我告诉每个人除了上帝就是川普
Lincoln dinner: 共和党举办的年度"林肯晚宴"
is struggling to gain traction in national polls: (桑德斯)在全国民调中表现乏力
believes these were brought to interfere with election, a point we expect him to repeat constantly as this campaign ramps up: 认为是干扰大选  to ramp up: 增强
a former exotic dancer settled a paternity and child support dispute with hunter: 其母亲曾是一位异域舞者,和亨特拜登就父亲身份和抚养争端达成和解
the president's commitment to family is central to his public persona: 总统在公众视线中很重视家庭    persona: 表象人格、伪装、假象 向公众展示的性格特质,常和事实不符
towing a banner crash-landed: 一个拖着条幅的飞机撞地着陆  tow: 拖,拉、牵引, 如the car was towed away by the police警方将车拖走
one person was found unresponsive crews are still searching for another: 一人已无反应,另一人还在查找
if you dont have to hike, dont hike now: 如果你不是必须远足,不要远足
eight german sheperds in route to a canine training facility in Michigan died from heat stroke: 8只牧羊犬中暑身亡
AC in the box truck they were being moved in broke: 卡车上的空调坏了
in a city lacking any respite from the sun: 这个城市的烈日毫不缓解   respite: 暂停缓解,使人松口气的机会
the U.S has not designated this as a coup, a label that would halt more than 400 million dollars of u.s aid: 还没有称之为政变
but it boasts of uranium mines valuable for energy and nuclear production: 但是该国(尼日尔)有铀矿,对能源和核生产很有价值
pressing hard on the baby's chest with his thumbs: 用大拇指用力压孩子的胸
they were thrilled that they got the job done: 他们完成了任务,很兴奋
it just doesnt getting better than that: 不能比这再好了

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-28 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
superseding indictment was unsealed: 替代起诉
if your last name is Biden you live by a different set of rules versus if your last name is Trump you get targeted by these agencies: 如果你姓拜登,你的法律是这样,如果你姓特朗普,你会被起诉
there is no silver-lining in slavery: 奴隶制没有希望    silver lining: (困境中的)一线希望; 原指穿过乌云的一线光明,如谚语every cloud has a silver lining困境中总有希望  
this curriculum is devoted to telling the truth while Harris has retailed a lie: 课程致力于讲述真实的历史,哈里斯把它贩卖成谎言
with all due respect: 恕我直言
they had spasms they've gone into convulsions: 他们痉挛抽搐
crash test dummy for heat: 应急的测试假人    crash应急的速成的
but panic starts to set in when ...: 恐怖的一刻到来了
Mitch is strong, he's stubborn as a mule: 他很健壮,固执如骡
he and the first lady want what is best for all of their grandchildren, including Navy: 希望给子孙最好的
Walmark is already a cost-cutting machine and yet the company wants to be even more streamlined: 沃尔玛已经是一个缩减开销机器,现在希望更加高效   stream流水线、流线型
when a truck needs to be offloaded, AI has organized the pallets inside: 当卡车要卸载时,AI已经规划出托盘    pallet托盘、平台、运货板
we view technology as helping our associates to evolve physically demanding jobs into more fulfilling higher-skilled job roles: 我们认为AI帮助员工从体力劳动转变到更加有技巧的工作
there are increasing fractions in the workplaces therefore it is harder for workers to transition from one job to a new job: 工作更加细化,因此转换职业更加困难
headcount and turnover are much better from two years ago: 员工人数和离职率比两年前好很多

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-27 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
hiding in lockdown after being shot: 躲在狭小空间   lockdown原意是封锁,是对旅行、社交活动、或公共空间的限制
pain and raw emotion today: 痛苦和深切的爆发
life in prison without parole: 无期徒刑不得缓刑
charges of involuntary manslaughter: 被控过失杀人
intersecting routes: 交叉路线
i went 21 years without getting on one airplane and i think after this experience i can go the rest of my life without getting on one:
repatriated 85 000 people: 遣返了85000人
was grilled on the Capitol hill: 遭到拷问
miracles do exist and we never lose hope and always fight: 奇迹真的存在,从不放弃希望,永远奋斗
what happened during that time frame: 那一时间段发生了什么
tick-borne illness spreading around the country: 蜱虫传播的疾病在全国蔓延  illness的s和spread的s连读了    tick蜱、壁虱、扁虱(吸血寄生虫,有些种类传播疾病),此外还表示打勾、时钟的嘀嗒声
it took me a year and four different doctors to get the diagnosis: 花了一年时间,看了4位医生才得到诊断
allergic to diary and even gelatin: 对牛奶,甚至是明胶过敏
hives, chest tightness: 荨麻疹和胸闷    hives 1、蜂箱 2、荨麻疹 另外需区分nettle是荨麻,而不是荨麻疹
keep to trails: 这里表示经常跑步  trail路         
when the supply chain snarled: 当时供应链一团糟 snarl 1、咆哮   2、混乱一团糟  这里表示供应链一团糟
new reality for many new long-haulers: 长途旅途者;长途运输司机
my goal was not spoiling my kids: 不惯坏(或耽误)我的孩子
but her fortunes didnt last long: 好景不长
sometimes you go a week without a check: 一周都没生意
people lulled into thinking that somehow it was the way: 人们误以为       lull: (贬义)引诱诱导
to make ends meet:  维持生计,量入为出,避免入不敷出
for a raining day: 以防不时之需
because i know it's gonna be a rainbow somewhere: 因为我知道会有彩虹

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-26 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
the terror that by-standers won't recover: 无法从恐惧中恢复,即无法摆脱的恐惧
the upshot: 结果
sweet-heart deal: 甜心协议
constantly hamstrung: 一直被妨碍   hamstring:妨碍,使不能正常工作(或行动),原意是脚筋,引申为割断脚筋,如the project was hamstrung by lack of funds这个计划因缺乏资金而难以实现
let's circle back to that surprising court hearing today: 回到法庭听证
a regular senate ritual interrupted today by 19 seconds of silence: 常规的参议员
the boom of the crane collapsed: 起重机吊杆坠落  boom这里指吊杆
everything is mango like Godzilla takes it and just squishes: 就像被哥斯拉碾碎的芒果   Godzilla哥斯拉是著名怪兽,出自1954年日本同名电影   
to douse the flames: 浇灭 又如to douse a fire
despite state troopers yelling at him not to do it: 尽管州警察向他呼喊,不要放狗
but the Feds wants inflation at two percent, and so a quater point hike today: 但联邦储备委员会希望通涨降到2%,所以将利率调高1/4点
microburst blowing through Brooklyn: 微下击暴流(一种强风类型),另一种叫macroburst,都属于下沉气流(burst)
hopes to break even: 希望能达到收支平衡
it's so hot hey is spontaneously combusting: 天气炎热以致干草自燃    hay: 干草,如谚语make hay while the sun shines抓住机会、趁热打铁  
coup by his own security forces: 安全部队发动政变
scenes of empty storefronts: 店面、临街房,就是建在马路街道旁边的商店房屋
sprialing into what headlines are calling a 'doom loop': 卷入媒体所称的"恶运循环"   to sprial into卷入
says he needs to be here and wants to see staff in person: 他需要在这经营,因为他想员工在公司工作
brick and mortar business: 实体(店)生意   brick and mortar原指转和砂浆,这里表示实体的,如brick and mortar store: 实体店
because this is where the talent is: 因为这里是人才所在
cerebral valley: 脑谷(模仿硅谷名字)

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-25 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
cardiac arrest: 心脏骤停
one of the most highly-tauted incoming basket-ball players: 最受夸耀的新晋球员
should do a pre-participation physical: 赛前检查
this spurred a lot of conversations: 引发讨论
defibrillator (AED) that shocks heart to rhythm can be a life-saver: 自动体外除颤仪(automated external defibrillator)可能救人一命。
the american freed last year with a prisoner swap with russia: 去年和俄国交换囚犯时获释
firing a flare at the drone: 向无人机发射闪光弹
prisoner exchange: 等于prisoner swap交换囚犯
UPS and teamsters union announcing a tentative agreement: UPS和卡车司机工会达成初步协议  teamster: 卡车司机a teamster is a person who drives a truck.
we are racing against the clock here: 与时间赛跑
this noah ark approach could be the lifeline: 诺亚方舟式(比喻挽救保护)
has plucked him from relative obscurity to the post: 从默默无闻的岗位一手提拔
wolf diplomat: 战狼外交官
special ops commander: 特别行动指挥官
it will behoove you to buy travel insurance: 买旅行保险对你有利
lynching of Emmet Till whose murder became the catalyst of civil movement: 他的凌迟是民权运动的催化剂  
the monument has 3 sites:  纪念馆有3处场所
they walked with pistol in one hand and flash light in another: 一手拿手枪,一手拿着手电
open-casket funeral: 开棺葬礼
brought the world face to face with the brutal reality of racism: 让世界直面种族主义残忍的现实

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-24 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
military base: 军事基地
pecan orchard: 山核桃园     pecan美洲山核桃;碧根果
file for emergency injunction: 申请紧急命令
the heavy winds kicking up these flames: 大风吹高了火焰
airlifted two hikers overcome by heat: 空中救起2名中暑的远足者
apology and admission that it is all made-up: 道歉,并承认完全是编造的
israeli's  military reserve say they'll no longer serve in protest to the new law: 以色列预备役人员表示拒绝服役以表达抗议
endurance: 这里指续航能力
requre the support of tanker aircraft like kc-135: 需要空中加油机支援
i dont know why they are pulling me over: 我不知道他们为什么要超我的车(追我)
we have reached to speakman but not heard back: 我们询问发言人,但没有回音
moose walking near the classroom: 驼鹿偶尔会走到教室附近   moose:  麋鹿驼鹿
the missions we show you here are no less vital as new challenges appear literally over the horizon: 今天的这些任务同样事关生死,地平线上随时出现新的挑战
our thanks to the men and women who keep the watch and who share their story: 感谢守卫国家的兄弟姐妹,也感谢他们分享他们的故事

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-23 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
to go up in flames: 起火
tourist hot spot: 旅游热点
zipline to the road: 用滑索到达对面的公路
while down south, ems is put into overtime: 在南部,EMS加班工作
patio: 露台
the club was hosting a tournament: 正在举办锦标赛
Barbie breaks the box office: 芭比打破票房记录
netanyahu's plan to weaken the supreme court: 内塔尼亚胡计划削弱最高法院的权力
following a high-speed chase: 高速公路追逐
still mauled by police dog: 还是被警犬袭击   maul: 袭击、撕咬、轻松击败
missing a left rear mud flap: 缺少后尾挡泥板
first movie helmed by a woman: 第一步由女性执导的电影         helm: 舵轮舵柄、指挥、头盔,这里指芭比由谁导演
a programmng note: 节目通告、预告

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-22 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
I went to hell and back: 我走进了地狱又回来了
stunned fans watch as water rushed down the ballpark: 惊讶的球员眼见雨水冲进球场
the u.s parked a nuclear-capable submarine in south korea earilier this week: 停泊核动力潜艇
the unkonwn ailment leading to unfounded rumors: 未知的疾病引发了无根据的谣言
his latest movie dropped on netflix: 最近电影在netflix上映
i love all y'all i'm on my way back: 我爱你们,我马上回来
first round of fight against leukemia: 和白血病的第一轮战斗
return from an honor flight trip to DC: 从华盛顿的荣誉飞行旅行返回

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-21 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
show business: 演艺界
to tap out doners: 吸引募捐者?
agenda to indoctrinate students: 向学生灌输某种思想(贬义)
was running a scam: 在欺诈
refusing sedatives: 拒绝服用镇定剂
I have flashbacks, just randomly: 我时不时会有回闪起那一幕    flashback: 1、(电影或戏剧的或往事的)闪回  2、倒叙

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-20 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
sweat it out: (欧洲人)大汗淋淋度日
by now even the heartiest among us may be reaching their limits: 现在即使是最喜爱(hearty热忱诚挚)夏天的人也到了极限了
marine heat waves: 海洋热流
misery extending to southern europe tonight where highs reach 118: 痛苦到达欧洲 misery: 悲惨,这里表示痛苦
this is a whole level of different song: 完全是另一回事   a different song比喻完全不同的事物
suffered a heart attack: 心脏病发作,如he lingered on for several months after the heart attack他心脏病发作后又拖了几个月才去世
Acropolis: 雅典卫城; 卫城
to walk off the job: 拒绝工作
has filed for divorce: 起诉离婚
the key to cracking the case: 破案关键
found in a drainage ditch: (尸体)在下水沟中
to expunge his two impeachment:  消除两次弹劾记录   expunge消除; 删去
past of instances of Americans in North Korea dont bode well for King: 之前美国人在朝鲜的经历对他而言不是祥兆
in a vegetative state: 植物人状态
ending a scandal-plagued era under team owner: 结束了该老板经营该俱乐部期间充满丑闻的日子
those hectic days: 忙碌的日子   hectic: 忙碌的繁忙的; 肺病热、潮红
NORAD: north american aerospace defence command北美防空司令部
we mitigated their collection and we maximized our collection: 缓解了他们的采集,增加了我们的采集
a far cry from the cold war era: 和冷战时期大相径庭   a far cry from相去甚远,大相径庭
a memorial to 911: 纪念物
how it stacks up against other electric cars: 和其他电动车比怎么样   to stack up against something表示比较、较量
to take it for a spin: 开车或乘车兜圈子、兜风、转一圈
we have 44,000 orders for this: 已经有这么多订单
if that bears out: 如果那(指40公里路程)已经够了
grid enhancement: 电网扩容
a dream of gasless world betting big on the power of the sun: 没有汽油的世界,依靠太阳能

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-19 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
that are spelled out: 列出的
the pending indictment: 待定的,悬而未决的审判
it's all hands on deck: 全力以赴
had multiple run-ins with the law: 多次违法
18-wheeler: 指卡车
the faimly back at Wisconsin distraught: 家人心急如焚,心烦意乱
you know, that's the hundred dollar question: 价值百元的问题(悬而未决,陷入僵局的问题,回到对了能得到奖励的问题)
local coroner: 本地验尸官
staffing agencies: 劳务派遣机构

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-18 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
scheming to overturn the result: 企图推翻选举结果
to bolt from a tour group: 从一个旅游团奔向朝鲜一侧
wary of of angering Trump supporters they hope to win over: 其他候选人担心激怒川普的支持者,他们想赢得的人群
attorney were just in Court today regarding the ... case: 律师今天还在出庭
after bolting across the border:  冲过边界线   bolt可表示螺栓、门闩、插销、闪电,这里表示像闪电一样,突然的快速移动
he then tagged along a commercial tour: 加入旅行团
history suggests it will be a delicate dance:  历史证明和朝鲜共舞(比喻打交道)很微妙
private Ling was acting on his own initiative: 自己的主意
we have the egges, we have the larvae: 我们有虫卵(eggs),还有幼虫   larvae幼虫幼体;是larva的复数
comes with 25 percent tax on it: 中国出口到美国的产品征收25%关税
41 percent of cobalt and mines on 5 continents: 中国有世界41%的钴,5大洲开采矿藏

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-17 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
pour over evidence: 过滤(仔细检查)证据
torn from their family: 被洪水从家人身边冲走
a day away from ... record: 差一天就可以打破历史记录
it all amounts to: 等同于(一个灾难)
worked for escort services: 从事三陪行业
fascinating detective work we are watching: 令人着迷的侦探工作
pull out of the black sea grain deal: 推出黑海粮食协议
the cause is under investigation: 原因正在调查
to burn through cash: 耗尽钱款
openly firthing with a run: 公开表示参选的想法
i wish a could wave a magic wand and make it perfect: 希望可以挥舞魔法棒
to pull coverage: 减少覆盖面
woke policy: “觉醒”政策,woke是wake过去式,woke还可以作为形容词,表示"对社会不公、尤其种族歧视的警觉,如BLM运动可以叫做woke movement

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-16 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
the search ends in a hail of bullets: 搜捕在枪林弹雨中结束
every flier's worst nightmare: 每个飞机乘客最可怕的噩梦
we do not want anybody having heat stroke: 不希望任何人中暑
the heat is taking a toll on the community for sure: 酷热肯定影响了社区
the couple got into their golf cart and went to see why: 夫妇坐上高尔夫车,去看为什么(狗一直叫)
they didnt stick around when they saw him squatting by their creek: 他们看到他蹲在小溪旁时,没有停留
hidden stashes of supplies: 隐藏的补给
medic: 医疗人员
police are following on the information she had provided: 警方根据她提供的信息继续追踪这个案件
summer of sniffles:抽鼻子的夏天
summer bummer: 夏天里的晦气事  bummer真倒霉;失望(或不愉快)的局面;如it's a real bummer that she can't come她不能来,实在令人失望
a flash of man-made sun rising ove the New Mexico desert: 沙漠上亮起了人造太阳
if it was needed to put an end to the war and had a chance of so doing, we should do it: 如果需要结束战争,也有这样的机会,我们应该这样做
it was very emotional it was very special
can we throw a party, she says yep, and it just took off: 我说可以举行个聚会吗,她说好,结果也很成功
buddy made me have a best birthday ever
I feel strong, able to keep fighting even I live with cancer, it is special to see my family to help me come through whatever comes: 尽管有癌症,家人给我帮助给我力量,真是非同寻常,今后无论面临什么困难,我都会继续战斗
although she is still in treatment, she says she is now cancer-free: 尽管还需治疗,她说她已经没有癌症了

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-15 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
police removing evidence from his home today: 警方从他家取走证据
fast-moving wildfires: 快速蔓延的野火
change the way they go on calls: 改变他们响应的方式
need a life-or-death cooldown: 需要降温,这涉及到生死
not something to trifle with: 不可轻视(高温)
dazed from the heat: 热晕
police are on the hunt for the 40 year old Andre: 警察正在搜捕40岁的Andre
police are pulling more evidence from the long island home: 警方从家里取得更多证据
to go through his home with fine-tooth comb: 密齿梳子,比喻仔细搜查
not aware he was moments away from his arrest: 不知道自己很快就要被捕
today the neighbor no one really knew in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons: 人们并不了解的这位邻居就这样处于聚焦灯之下  spotlight:聚光灯、媒体和公众的注意
they are looking for some sort of vault that may hold guns: 他们找可能藏枪的库房     vault: 拱顶、(尤指银行的)金库,保险库;(坟地的)墓穴;穹隆;(教堂的)地下墓室; 撑物跳高
told to shelter in place: 让居民原地躲避
while they worked through a custody battle: 他的家人展开监管权之争
tonight a desperate plea for answers: 急切的寻找家人下落
Nike shoes /naiki/耐克鞋
her hair may be braided down to her scalp: 她头扎辫子到颈部   scalp头皮
she has a Scripture tattoo on her shoulder: 肩部有圣经文身
opportunity for her to make it home to us: 回我们家的机会
rest stops: 休息处
on hold=on pause: 暂停   on streaming: 线上影视
they have been the top of Ukraine's wish list: 它们(指F16战机)一直是乌克兰最想得到的东西
inside this unassuming building in northern England: 在英格兰北部这间不起眼的房子里
compared with Ukraine's Mig 29 jets
master more than a dozen buttons on F16's joystick: 操作盘上的按纽
key for switching instantly from bombing targets to air-to-air combat: 以及切换操作模式的按键
snuck him on their doorsteps: 偷偷把孩子放到门口  snuck是美国英语中sneak的过去式和过去分词之一
Airman first class: 一级空军战士
there was love at disney world: 迪士尼世界

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-14 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
in a notorious serial murder case: 一个臭名昭著的连环杀人案件
call on someone to come clean: 呼吁某人说清楚
the feels like here today 102: 感觉这里102度,这里the feels作名词
serial killer thought to have murdered at least three women on long island: 认为在长岛至少谋杀了1名女性
a car towed from his property: 拖走的车
police say he was tied to burner phone: 简单便宜的一次性手机,话费预付,通常用完即扔,不会通过sim卡被追踪到
he broke down in tears: 哭泣
call this a watershed moment: 分水岭时刻;那是一个具有分水岭意义的时刻
woozy: 眩晕的   stumbling: 跌跌撞撞的
clock two weeks of temps above 110: 累计超过2周温度超过110度
grind to a screeching halt: 在尖叫中停止      screench: 尖叫刺耳的
in limbo: 处于悬而未决状态,不确定状态
commandant: 指挥官
woke: 警示社会中的不公平行为 in woke: 警惕社会不公
military used as a military pawn: 军队作为政治棋子   pawn: 国际象棋中的兵卒;被利用的人
make one's pitch to voters: 冲向选民         evangelical基督教福音派的,热衷于传播自己观点的 ~ voters福音派选民
canoeing and kayaking exersions: 乘小筏小船远足(涉猎)
buoys are a nightmare:  浮标[bu?i]是个灾难
we look like a community under siege: 受到围攻的社群
but all the UFO hype enough to prompt senate to propose legislation: UFO的炒作足以促使,又如I'd think this whole thing was just a hype!我觉得这个事情完全是在炒作
if I see him, I'd be on the floor: 如果我能见到梅西,一定会手舞足蹈  on the floor: 1、在地板上 2、全力舞动,这里表示2
Messi and his goal making kicks led Argentina to a world cup win: 去年梅西的进球使阿根廷赢得世界杯
Messi in Miami, we are so happy we can mark this moment: 梅西来到迈阿密,能记录到这一刻真高兴

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-13 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
twisters: 龙卷风旋风=tornado
sweat through triple digit temperatures: 度过酷暑  sweat流汗
on the strip: 在(拉斯维加斯)大道上
sear through his hand causing 3-degree burns: 地面将他的手3级烧灼    又如searing heat灼热
infrad thermometer: 红外线测温计
we can see shot there just behind you: 可以看见你身后正在下雨
rivers and creeks: 河流和小溪
during the thick of it=very involved in it: 在最严重或最激烈的时刻
her team were all braving the elements all the time: 勇敢面对极端天气
service members and their dependents: 军人及家属
over-the-counter birth control pills: 第一次批准了非处方避孕药
she was the life of the party, she was so loved: 性格开朗十分讨人喜欢
to pin blame on: 指责
windshield wiper: 车刷
de-icing the planes during the winter: 冬季为飞机除冰

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-12 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
everybody pulls together regardless what's going on: 每个人都团结一心,无论发生什么   to pull together齐心协力,团结起来
it comes with the mystery growing over a top Russian general who supported the recent military rebellion against Putin: 此时一位支持叛军的将军神秘消失
scrambling to block it (the abortion ban) before it takes effect: 急忙试图在其生效前将其否决
it includes exceptions for ...: 保留了几种情况作为特例
the law will take effect then unless the court steps in: 除非法院介入,否则将在那时生效
a renowned orthopedic surgeon specializing in hand, wrist, and elbow: 一位著名的专业做手、腕、肘手术的骨科专家
he spoke with our affiliate about firework safety: 和我们附属电视台讨论了爆竹安全问题
aim for the head: 瞄准头部

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-11 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
the dam on the verge of failing: 水坝快要溃堤
the river that ran through the capital crested at more than 21 feet: 河流达到21英尺的顶峰        crest波峰; 山顶; 顶峰; 羽冠
receive ... inches of rain: ..英寸的降雨,这里用了receive
flood zone: 洪水区
two seconds she was gone: 2秒钟就被水冲走了
there is not much wiggle room: 回旋余地           wiggle room余地、回旋空间
brutal heat building across the country: 全国各地酷热   这里用了build
thanks to a marine heat wave: 由于海洋热浪  这里thanks不表示感谢
Sahara dust cloud blowing in from Africa: 非洲撒哈拉烟尘
a major stalmate for the alliance about whether Ukraine will be allow to join: 北约陷入僵局,是否接纳乌克兰
another example that Russia's invasion of Ukraine has backfired: 俄国入侵乌克兰使自己陷入困境的又一例证
officials were grilled today: 官员被拷问          grill原义是烤架
north of one billion: 超过10亿   这里north of表示超过
incubation period for malaria could be anywhere from a week to several months: 疟疾潜伏期可能从一周到几个月不等

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-10 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
a woman dies trying to reach higher ground: 试图往高处时死亡
the country on the verge of being admitted: 乌克兰接近加入北约
a brutal bout of storms: 一阵狂风暴雨  bout尤指坏事的)一通,一次; 一场;(疾病的)发作; 一阵
all hands on deck response: 全员响应
the fugitive is on the run: 逃犯
calling the drink a cauldron of caffeine: 声称这种饮料就是一大锅咖啡因
caffeine can cause heart palpitaions: 可使心跳加速(心悸)

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-07 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
cluster bombs are designed to scatter bomblets across the battle field: 集束炸弹会向四处炸出小炸弹
dud rate: 哑蛋率  (没有爆炸但后续可能爆炸的小集束炸弹)
our friends upon the hill: 山上的朋友(指国会)
to sign a waiver: 签署弃权书
sentenced him to 90 consecutive life terms: 判处他连续服90次终身监禁
self-described white nationalist: 自称是白人民族主义者
he didnt even know him: 他甚至不认识他(受害人)
things stacking up so far: 目前的情况看
to walk a tightrope: 走钢丝绳
this is a Frankenstein-like scenario: 指被创造者毁灭创造者
how a petty thief built a criminal empire: 小偷怎样构建犯罪帝国
at 11 eastern: 东部时间11点
to use insect repellent: 建议使用驱虫剂
found blood in my urinE: 尿道出血
extremely painful when caught in the urinary tract: 肾结石如卡到了尿道会引起剧痛
pediatric urologist at the Children's hospital: 儿童尿道医生
common in middle-aged men: (肾结石)常见于中年男性
but research shows incidents of pediatric stone diseases rising as much as 10 percent a year: 但儿童发病率每年上升百分之10
3 millimeters is all you need to be incredibly painful: 三毫米的肾结石就会让人十分疼痛

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-06 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
sunscreen: 防晒霜;遮阳物
Farius and his mom had several run-ins with police but gave fake names and birthdays so he remained a missing person: 曾几次遇见警方,但给了假名和生日,因此至今仍被认为失踪
foul play: 恶作剧
newly unsealed affidavit: 新解封的宣誓书   affidavit宣誓书,如Affidavit on the rights of public employees公职人员权利宣誓书
reassert his power and man-of-the-people image: 普京正重新恢复权力和人民领导人的形象
uncomfortable compromise: 令人不适的妥协
this is really a game-changer for our field: 这是我们领域重大(改变游戏规则)的事件
Alzheimer's threw us for a loop: 老年痴呆症让我们惊慌失措,to throw someone for a loop使人震惊陷入困境,老年痴呆症(Alzheimer's)是痴呆症(Dementia)中最常见的一种。
tripledemic三种疫情同时爆发,指influenza, covid, 和RSV
threads sew up competition with twitter: 激化threads和twitter竞争
it's tough, I won't lie because there was no one that looked like me: 这很困难我不想说谎
we believe if they see it, they can be it: 如果他们看到了别人的成就,也可能取得同样的成就
aiming high, I love it: 目标高远,我很喜欢

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-05 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
wearing a bulletproof vest: 穿防弹衣
has been held without bail: 扣押不得保释
it's under their purview: 在他们(安全官员)职权范围
the highest temperature since record-keeping began: 有记录以来最高温
busted locks: 不能用的(好像被毁坏的)锁
it looks like a mashup of like instagram facebook and twitter: (threads)看起来像ins, fb, twitter的混合体
a potential cage match: (雅柯伯格和马斯克)可能的牢笼赛,表示约架
battle for microblogging prize: 微博争夺大赛

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-04 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
put a damper on festivities: 使扫兴,如that would put a damper on the future growth of U.S. steel exports那将会抑制美国钢铁出口未来的增长。
searing heat: 灼热, 灼人的
including a set of twin toddlers: 包括一对幼婴
concession neighborhood: 专责的区域; 租界
to don an umbrella or poncho: 打雨伞或穿雨衣
he exhaled a little bit of smoke: 吐出一口烟
a valley girl at heart: 心里思念家乡"山谷"的女孩
her namesake school in los angles: 以她名字命名的学校
a famous quote of hers is: you cant be what you cant see

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-03 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
got two months worth of rain in just 24 hours: 24小时下了2个月的降雨量
to pack a punch: 产生巨大影响
sizzling heat/degrees酷热/高温    sizzle: 发出(油煎食物的)咝咝声
barring severe conditions, the fireworks will gon on rain or shine: 除非有严重恶劣天气,否则不管怎样都会有烟花表演
payment hiatus during covid: 疫情期间不用偿还债务
time is ticking down to a potential wallet buster: 很快可能钱包空空
to make the minimum payment: 还最低限度的钱
a silver lining to a rough winter: 冬天虽然寒冷,却给我们7月滑雪的机会
against all odds: 几乎不可能的是

【NBC晚间新闻】 2023-07-01 [视频在同义词网(https://tongyici.net)的晚间新闻板块,每日更新,欢迎喜欢词汇和听力的朋友观看、留言、做笔记]
shark fin just inches away from paddle-borders: 鲨鱼鱼翅离划桨者仅几尺
hydrated is important not even for heat but just for your general health: 多喝水不仅仅降温,更是为了身体健康
the killing lights a match: 枪杀点燃了火柴(比喻引发了愤怒)
packed a mosque this afternoon: 挤到了清真寺
spillover crowd of hundreds more praying on the outside: 清真寺外有上百人在祈祷
on-ramp repayment plan: 分期还款计划
beach-goers soak up the sun this holiday: 海滩沐浴阳光
surreal definitely the story: 像做噩梦
17-year-old Chaves is living life to the fullest: 完全享受生活
I've seen a lot of people with bad results: 我见过许多人手术效果很不好
I could easily serve myself a full plate, now I serve myself on a salad plate: 我可以轻松的吃一盘子,但我现在只吃沙拉 salad拌有生菜奶酪等的凉菜
getting a new lease on life: 新的生活契约(比喻新的生活状况)
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