【同义词练习】 第30/30周(2023.11.13--2023.11.19)【完】

作者: ethan.wu | 时间: 2023-12-26 09:22:12 | 英语学习|
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发表于 2023-12-26 09:22:12| 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1/20)1. implies a denser suspension than a mist, with power to enshroud and to cut off vision more or less completely: visibility reduced to inches by the ~.  a) haze2. implies a suspension of water droplets, floating and slowly falling through the air, that impairs but does not cut off vision: hair damp from the ~.  b) smog3. implies a diffusion of smoke or dust or light vapor sufficient to blur vision but not to obstruct it: mountains rendered blue by the ~.  c) fog4. applies to a haze, mist, fog made thicker and darker by the smoke and fumes of an industrial area: cast a pall of smog over the city.  d) mistcdab Right group haze meaning unknown

2/20)1. suggests a settled and predictable leaning in one direction and connotes unfaire prejudice: ~ed against young urban professionals.  a) incline2. suggests an affecting of one's mood or temper so as to incline one toward something or someone: the sunny day ~d her to think more positively.  b) predispose3. implies the operation of a disposing influence well in advance of the opportunity to manifest itself: fictional violence ~s them to accept violence in real life.  c) dispose4. implies a tendency to favor one of two or more actions or conclusions: ~d to do nothing for the moment.  d) biasdcba Right group incline mean to influence one to have or take an attitude toward something.

3/20)1. suggests an entangling of a thing with awhole, often as a natural or inevitable cause or consequence: a procedural changethat will ~ more work for everyone.  entangle缠住套住if something entangles itself with another, the two things become caught together very tightly,如the blade of the oar had entangled itself with something in the water船桨的桨叶和水里的什么东西缠住了,entangle的第二个意思是involve表示牵连使卷入陷入,如he became entangled in a series of conflicts with the management 卷入了与管理层的一系列冲突之中,如she didn't want to get entangled (即emotionally involved) with him她不想与他有瓜葛)   a) include2. implies a reaching out and gathering of separate items into or within a whole: her faith ~s both Christian and non-Christian beliefs.  b)   comprehend3. otherwise close to involve, suggests that something's presence can be inferred with more or less certainty with a hint: smoke often ~ies fire.   infer推断是reason推理的结果,表示推断"出结论"  c)   imply4. suggests that the thing contained forms a constituent, component, or subordinate part of a larger whole: the price of dinner ~s dessert.  d)   involve5. implies that something comes within the range or scope of a statement, definition,or concept: his notions of manners ~s more than just table etiquette.  e)   embracedecab Right group include mean to contain within as a part or portion of the whole.

4/20)1. stresses reliability, sureness, exactness, or accuracy: a photographer with an ~ eye for beauty.   (exact严格一致或严格遵守implies a very strict agreement with fact, standard, or truth,如a suit tailored to exact measurement一件裁剪准确(严格)的衣服)  a) inerrant2. stresses the fact that no mistakes were made: an ~ interpretation of the most demanding role in drama.  b) infallible3. may imply that one's freedom from error is divinely bestowed: fundamentalists believe in an ~ Bible.  c) inerrable4. may be preferable when one wishes to avoid any association with religious or papal infallibility: no reference source should be considered ~.  d) unerringdabc Right:) group infallible mean having or showing the inability to make errors.

5/20)1. implies exceeding the limits of what is right or decent or bearable or tolerable: ~ terrorist acts against civilians.  a) enormous2. applies to what is inconceivably, abnormally, or fantastically wrong, absurd, or horrible: a ~ waste of the taxpayers' money.  b) heinous3. implies such flagrant evil or conspicuous enormity as inevitably excites hatred or horror:  ~ crimes that exceeded normal wartime actions.  c) atrocious4. implies such merciless cruelty, savagery, or contempt of ordinary values as excites condemnation: decent people cannot condone such ~ treatment of prisoners.  d) outrageousdabc Right:) group outrageous mean enormously bad or horrible.

6/20)1. applies to what corresponds to something else from another point of view or in another order of viewing: debated whether higher interest rates are a ~ of economic prosperity.  a) counterpart2. implies that the two things being compared are so like that their lack of divergence suggests parallel lines: drew a ~ between their experience.  b) parallel3. usually implies a more remote likeness and may involve a comparison made to clarify, enlighten, or demonstrate: saw faith in technology as an ~ to earlier beliefs in supernatural forces.  c) correlate4. suggests a complementary and sometimes an obverse relationship: gave the balls to her ~ on the other team.  d) analoguecbda Right:) group parallel mean one that corresponds to or closely resembles another.

7/20)1. stresses deference and tenderness of feeling: a tradition ~d by generations of scholars.  a) reverence2. implies a holding as holy or sacrosanct because of character, association, or age: national heroes who are still ~d.  b) venerate3. implies homage usually expressed in words or ceremony to a divine being or to a person to whom exalted character or outstanding merit is imputed: ~s the memory of her husband.  c) revere4. presupposes an intrinsic merit and inviolability in the one honored and a corresponding depth of feeling in the one honoring: the general ~s the army's code of honor.   (honor荣誉荣耀光荣applies to the recognition of one's right to great respect or to any expression of such recognition表示"承认应受尊重,或表达尊重",如an honor just to be nominated一项即将提名的荣誉,英语中的荣誉荣耀光荣是指受到be respected被尊重,如劳动最光荣work, the most honorable thing in the world这里的光荣是指被尊重)  d) adore5. close to worship, implies love, and stresses the notion of an individual and personal attachment: a doctor who is practically ~d by her patients.  e) worshipcbead Right:) group revere mean to regard with profound respect and honor.

8/20)1. implies lack of conformity with law of any sort: ~ conduct.  a) unlawful2. tends to be narrow in reference and usually applies to children born out of wedlock or to a relation leading to such a result: their union was ~; but it may refer to something that is not proper according to rules of logic or to authorities or to precedent: an ~ inference.  b) illegitimate3. may imply lack of conformance with a regulatory law: ~ distilling; but it is also applied to something obtained, done, or maintained unlawfully, illegally, or illegitimately: an ~ affair.  c) illicit4. often stresses lack of conformity to what is sanctioned by the law as defined by statute and administered by courts: an ~ U-turn.  d) illegalabcd Right:) group unlawful mean not being in accordance with law.

9/20)1. suggests a complex mixture or the final form into which it hardens: a beneficent attitude that was an ~ of generosity and disdain.  a) amalgam2. suggests that one or more elements has an alien character: an ~ of coffee and roasted nuts.  b) blend3. the most general term, often implies miscellaneousness: planted a ~ of seeds to get a colorful bed of flowers.  c) composite4. implies the thorough mingling of similar elements or ingredients: an attitude that was a ~ of disdain and pity.  d) admixture5. suggests the union of two or more distinguishable or analyzable parts, elements, or ingredients: a ~ of elegance and frivolity.  e) compound6. implies that the constituent elements have been artificially or fortuitously combined: a population that is the ~ of many races.  f) mixtureadfbec Right:) group mixture mean a product formed by the combination of two or more things.

10/20)1. may imply a power to terrify or inspire awe: the ~ roar of the cataract; but in more general use it means little more than very large or great or intense: success gave him ~ satisfaction.  a) stupendous2. suggests a marvelousness exceeding belief, usually in something felt as going far beyond a previous maximum of goodness, greatness, intensity, or size: made a ~ effort and rolled the stone aside.  b) prodigious3. implies a power to stun or astound, usually because of size, numbers, or complexity, or greatness beyond one's power to describe: a ~ volcanic eruption that destroyed the city.  stun和astound同义,表示惊讶  c) tremendous4. implies a departure from the normal in such qualities as size, form, or character and often carries suggestions of deformity, ugliness, or fabulousness: the ~ waste of the project.  d) monstrouscbad Right:) group monstrous meaning unknown

11/20)1. implies a temporary cessation or, more often, marked decline, as in the violence of a storm or in business activity: the storm strengthened again after a ~. lullaby摇篮曲催眠曲,来自lull+bye bye  a) pause2. implies a temporary suspension of work or activity: children playing during the morning school ~.  b) respite3. implies a break in continuity and is especially applicable to an interval available for some new or special activity: no one should work day after day without ~.  c) lull4. stresses the fact of stopping and ordinarily implies an expectation of resumption, as of movement or activity: spoke during a ~ in the music.  d) recess5. implies a period of relief, as from labor, suffering, or war, OR of delay, as before being sentenced or before having to pay money due: enjoyed the brief ~ between attacks.  e) intermissioncdeab Right:) <i>group pause mean a temporary cessation.首字母PRRLI想成RR揉揉LIP嘴唇
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