【同义词练习】 第27/30周 (2023.10.23--2023.10.29)

作者: ethan.wu | 时间: 2023-10-29 16:22:21 | 英语学习|
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发表于 2023-10-29 16:22:21| 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1/29)1. suggests prolonged fretting over matters that may or may not be real cause for anxiety: a businessman’s endless list of ~ies.  a) concern2. usually implies precise repetition of the words of another for a particular purpose: illustrate the use of a word by ~ing classical and modern authors; but sometimes quote is applied to a more general referral to someone as author or source of information: don't ~ me as your authority.  b) quote3. stresses anguished uncertainty or fear of misfortune or failure: plagued by ~ and self-doubt.  c) solicitude4. implies great concern or apprehension and connotes thoughtful or hovering attentiveness: behaved with typical maternal ~.  d) anxiety5. implies oppression of the mind by responsibility and apprehension: a face worn by a host of ~s.  e) worry6. implies a troubled state of mind and the interest, relation, affection, or responsibility that produces it: your happiness is my only ~.  f) careebdcfa Right group care mean a troubled or engrossed state of mind or the thing that causes this.

2/29)1. implies having a greater size, expanse, or amount than that deemed adequate and may suggest fullness or bulk or freedom from cramping restrictions: we have ~ means to buy the house.  a) effort2. implies toilsome or solicitous effort by a conscientious agent: took ~ to do the job well.  b) pains3. often suggests a single action or attempt OR persistent activity and implies the calling up or directing of energy by the conscious will: made the supreme ~ and crossed the finish line first.  c) ample4. implies effort that inconveniences or wastes time and patience: went to a lot of ~ to get the right equipment.  d) exertion5. may describe the bringing into effect of any power of mind or body or it may suggest laborious and exhausting effort: a job not requiring much physical ~.  e) troublecbaed Right group effort mean the active use of energy in producing a result.

3/29)1. implies elimination of one's own feelings, prejudices, and interests so as to achieve a proper balance of conflicting interests: a ~ decision by a judge.  a) dispassionate2. implies a freer and less rigorous standard than just and may sug. fair and equal treatment to all concerned: provides for ~ distribution of his property.  b) objective3. sug. freedom from emotional involvement or from influcence of strong feelings , and often implies cool even cold judgement: a ~ summation of facts.  c) just4. implies even more strongly an absence of prejudices and may imply firm intent to be fair to all: your ~ opinion of the whole affair.  d) fair5.  stresses a freedom from favor OR prejudice in making a judgement: arbitration by an ~ third party.  e) unbiased6. implies flexibility and ease and quickness in moving but does not stress excellence of  coordination or grace: her long ~ fingers moved over the keyboard.  (grace优美优雅: simple elegance or refinement of movement动作简单精致,如the gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace体操运动员在平衡木上表演得优美自如)  f) limber7. implies an exact following of a standard of what is right and proper: a ~ settlement of territorial dispute.  g) impartial8. stresses a tendency to view events and persons as apart from oneself and one's own interests and feelings: it is impossible for me to be ~ about my own child.  h) equitabledhaegfcb Right group fair mean free from favor toward either or any side.

4/29)1. implies a emancipation from slavery: the proclamation ~ all the slaves.  a) liberate2. sug. setting loose from confinement, restraint, or state of pressure and tension: ~ his anger by exercising.  b) free3. implies liberation of a person from submission or domination: this device ~ women from housework.  c) glower4. implies usually a permanent removal from what binds, confines, entangles or oppresses: ~ the animals from their cages.  d) emancipate5. stresses the resulting state of freedom: ~ the novel from Victorian inhibitions.  e) release6. implies a direct defiant brooding stare or glare as in contempt or defiance: the natives merely ~ed at the invading tourists.brood这里指一直盯着瞪着,原意是母鸡孕育小鸡,一小鸡,比喻长期怀有想法,如he brooded over his dead mother他对已故母亲念念不忘,如for years he brooded vengeance/suicide多年来他一直在盘算报仇/自杀,如a brood of chicks一小鸡,可用于人,如a mother and her brood母亲和一窝孩子,如a remarkable brood of writers几位优秀作家) glower原意是stare凝视盯,但现在主要表示glare瞪  f) manumitfedbac Right:) group free meaning unknown

5/29)1. is more often used of quadruples or of human beings who move on all fours and proceed slowly, stealthily, or silently: the cat ~(crept) up on the mouse.  a) creep2. is applied to animals with no legs or many small legs that seem to move by drawing the body along a surface or to human beings who imitate such movement: the injured man tried to ~ to the door.  b) crawl3. implies a lack of essential relationship and may suggest casual addition or irrelevance: avoided elaborate designs with superfluous or ~ elements.   c) adventitiousabc Right:) group creep mean to move along a surface in a prone or crouching posture.

6/29)1. stress method followed or routine to be followed: achieved success despite disdain for normal ~.  a) air2. is esp. appropriate when progress from definite beginning to a definite end is implies and the sequence of events can be divided into a sequence of steps or stages: the ~ of digestion.  b) proceeding3. implies an exposing or parading of one's views often in order to gain relief or sympathy or attention: cabinet members publicly ~ing their differences. 公开摆明分歧  c) procedure4. applies not only to sequence of events, actions, operations but also to any one of these and stresses items involved rather than their relation or end in view: had little patience with bureaucratic proceedings.  d) processcdab Right:) group process mean the series of such things as actions, operations, or motions involved in the accomplishing of an end

7/29)1. implies a temperament or constitution hard to arouse: a ~ person immune to amorous advances.  a) transmorgrify2. stresses the absence of any external sign of emotion in action or facial expression: just sat there with an ~ look.  b) apathetic3. implies a habitual absence of interest, responsiveness, or curiosity about anything beyond an accustomed routine: a ~ woman, wedded to routine.  c) stoic4. implies an apparent indifference to pleasure or especially to pains, often as a matter of principle or self-discipline: remained resolutely ~ even in the face of adversity.  d) phlegmatic5. may imply a puzzling or deplorable indifference or inertness: charitable appeals met an  ~ response.  e) stolid6. sug. an extreme, often grotesque and preposterous, metamorphosis: the prince  was ~ into a frog.  f) impassivedfecba Right:) group impassive mean unresponsive to something that might normally excite interest or emotion.

8/29)1. implies a lack or loss of stiffness of body and a resulting tendency to droop: a faded flower on a ~ stem.  droop下垂: she was so tired, her eyelids were beginning to droop她太累了,眼睑开始下垂  a) floppy2. applies to a something that sags or hangs limply and is likely to suggest flexibility and a natural or intended lack of stiffness: wore a large ~ garden hat that shaded her eyes.  b) admission3. implies a flimsiness due to cheap or careless workmanship and may stress a lack or inferiority of standards: a ~ tale of second-rate intrigue.  c) flabby4. applies to entrance or formal acceptance (as into a club) that carries with it rights, privileges, standing, or membership: candidates for ~ must submit recommendations from two club members.  d) sleazy5. applies to something of such looseness of structure or insubstantiality of texture as to be unable to stand up under strain; it may also stress a lack of real worth or of capacity for endurance: a ~ excuse.  e) flaccid6. applies primarily to living tissues and implies a loss of normal and especially youthful firmness or a lack of force or energy or substance: a ~ resolve that easily gave way.  f) limp7. in its application to material thing is very close to flaccid, but it also suggests spinelessness, spiritlessness, or lethargy: a ~ substitute for a hero.  g) flimsyfadbgec Right:) group limp mean deficient in firmness of texture, substance, or structure.

9/29)1. suggests a uniting of many parts into a whole and often implies an ingenious inventing of something false: ~ an exotic background for her biography. (exotic来自异国奇特, 如exotic fruit异国水果)  a) make2. implies the generating of a definite outline, structure, or design in the thing produced: ~ a plan. generate是按一定规则生成,如基因物理定律或写作方法: to generate an idea想出一个方法, to generate electricity电)  b) manufacture3. implies a making repeatedly by a fixed process and usually by machinery: ~ shoes.  c) fabricate4. implies a making or devising or concocting by great physical or mental effort: ~ an agreement after months of negotiating.  (devise设计: 特指思考和尝试新方法,如devised new dishes to tempt the palate设计新菜诱惑品尝) (concoct调制捏造,如to concoct a cocktail调制鸡尾酒,或to concoct an excuse捏造借口)  d) shape5. suggests the impressing of a form upon some material by an external agent: ~ shrubbery into animal figures.  (form和shape区别: form应用更广泛,不仅用于有形还可用于无形, shape只用于有形)  e) fashion6. suggests the use of inventive power or ingenuity: ~ed a bicycle out of spare parts. (ingenious聪慧: 既善于发现又善于发明,可称作杰出brilliant,如an ingenious computer engineer一个杰出(聪慧)的电脑工程师)  f) form7. applies to ANY action of producing or creating whether by an intelligent agency or blind forces and whether the product has material or immaterial existence: the factory ~s furniture.  produce是正式语言,make随意一些,两个词都很通用)  g) forge8. implies the removing of doubts by an authoritative statement or indisputable fact: ~ed reports of troop movements.  h) confirmcfbgdeah Right:) group make mean to cause to come into being.

10/29)1. is likely to imply willingness to destroy the institutions which conserve the ideas or policies condemned and comes close to revolutionary in meaning: an idea conceived by a group of ~ reformers.  a) progressive2. implies a greater or less degree of emancipation from convention, tradition, or dogma  and may suggest either pragmatism and tolerance or unorthodoxy, extremism, and laxness: a politician's ~ tendencies.  b) diligent3. applies to what is or seems to be ahead of its proper time and can connote liberalism and mental daring or extreme foolhardiness and experimental impracticality: a man with advanced ideas.  c) radical4. is likely to imply a comparison with what is backward or reactionary and a readiness to forsake old methods and beliefs for new ones that hold more promise: went to the most ~ school her parents could find.  d) liberal5. suggests earnest application to some specific object or pursuit: very ~ in her pursuit of a degree. pursuit事业:指投入极大热情的工作: IT is his pursuit他的事业是IT)  e) advancedcdeab Right:) group liberal mean freed from or opposed to what is orthodox, established, or conservative.

11/29)1. applies to something that is obvious and unavoidable to the sight or mind: the ~ waste of the corrupt regime.  a) outstanding2. applies to something so extraordinary or exceptional as to demand attention or comment: a film of ~ intelligence and wit.  b) salient3. applies to something that commands notice by standing out against its surroundings or background: a doctor who occupied a ~ position in the town.  c) signal4. applies to something unlikely to escape observation: a piano recital with no ~ errors.  d) livid5. applies to something that rises above and excels others of the same kind: honored for her ~ contributions to science.  e) prominent6. applies to something that impresses itself powerfully and deeply upon the mind or vision: the backwardness of the area is ~ even to casual observers.  f) conspicuous7. basically means leaden-hued, and is used of things that have lost their normal coloring and assumed a dull grayish tinge: the ~ red of the sun through the fog.  g) remarkable8. applies to something of significance that thrusts itself into attention: list the ~ points of the speech.  h) noticeable9. applies to what deserves attention as being unusually significant: ~ contribution to sculpture.  i) strikingfgehaidbc Right:) group noticeable mean attracting notice or attention.

12/29)1. sug. the discovery of a new, profitable, or practical use for sth that might be overlooked or wasted: meat processors that ~ every part of the animal.  a) employ2. implies availing oneself of sth as a means or instrument to an end: willing to ~ any means to achieve her goals.  b) utilize3. implies the power or authority to grant or refuse what is asked: refused strangers ~ to hunt on his land.  c) permission4. stresses bringing into contact or relation with sth. else such that it proves useful or acquires practical value: ~ specific rules to the situation.  d) apply5. sug. using a person or thing that is available BUT idle, inactive or disengaged, by putting to some work or profitable activity: your time might have been better ~ by reading.  e) usebecda Right:) group use mean to put into service especially to attain an end or to give a practical value.

13/29)1. applies usually to offenses or errors so bad that they can neither escape notice nor be condoned: ~ abuse of the office of president.  a) flagrant2. is applicable to something that stands out by reason of its bad quality or because it is in poor taste: made an ~ error.  b) gross3. applies to what is openly and extremely objectionable or utterly condemned: it's ~ heresy to say that.  c) rank4. refers to the impalpable breathable substance essential to life: the ~ we breathe; or that substance mixed with others: smoggy ~.  d) air5. implies painful or damaging obtrusiveness of something that is conspicuously wrong, faulty, or improper: ~ errors in judgment.  e) egregious6. implies the exceeding of reasonable or excusable limits of badness as applied to attitudes, qualities, or faults: ~ carelessness on your part.  f) glaringaecdfb Right:) group flagrant mean conspicuously bad or objectionable.

14/29)1. suggests actions or behaviors as formed by breeding or training in regard to the  amenities of life: a child with atrocious ~.  a) mien2. implies a violation of one's oath, promise, or vow or sometimes of something , such as one's principles or beliefs, that is as sacred as an oath: ~ the laws of her country in order to save the life of her child.  b) demeanor3. applies chiefly to habitual posture in standing or walking: the kind of ~ learned at elite private schools.  c) manner4. is the most general of these words but now usually implies characteristic posture: a woman of regal ~.  d) bearing5. suggests one's attitude as expressed by behavior among others : the haughty ~ of a head waiter.  e) carriage6. implies characteristic or customary way of moving and gesturing in a social context: the imperious ~ of a man used to giving orders.  f) forswear7. refers both to bearing and demeanor often as indicative of mood: a ~ of supreme self-satisfaction.  mood心情  g) deportmentgfedbca Right:) <i>group bearing mean the outward manifestation of personality or attitude.首字母BDDMMC想成CMD命令人、和BDM变得美
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