【同义词练习】 第19/30周(2023.08.28--2023.09.03)

作者: ethan.wu | 时间: 2023-9-2 00:05:46 | 英语学习|
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发表于 2023-9-2 00:05:46| 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1/37)1. applies to delight in eating or acquiring things especially beyond the point of necessity or satiety: an admiral who had a ~ appetite for glory.  a) gluttonous2. implies that a person is in a state of misery that may arise in extreme distress of body or mind or in pitiable poverty or degradation: looked ~, with eyes red and swollen from crying; in reference to things, it suggests such meanness or inferiority or unpleasantness that it arouses utter dislike or disgust in the observer: what ~ weather.  b) miserable3. stresses the unhappiness or despondency of a person exposed to a grave distress, such as want, grief, oppression, affliction, or anxiety: ~ survivors of the terrible flood; applied to things, it stresses extreme or deplorable badness: made a life as best as they could in their ~ hovel.  c) wretchedabc Right group miserable mean deplorably or contemptibly bad or mean.

2/37)1. suggests the disclosing for the first time of something long thought over or reserved for a suitable occasion: ~ the subject of a divorce.  a) delicate2. applies to what is rich and luxurious but restrained by good taste: an ~ dining room with genuine French antiques. 雅致:人或物的外表举止即优雅有格调 ~is an attitude雅致是种态度  b) elegant3. suggests an uncommon excellence: refused to drink any but the ~st of wines.  c) choice4. implies exquisiteness, subtlety or frailty: the play's ~ charm was lost on screen.  d) dainty5. stresses preeminence in quality or kind: a ~ bit of gossip.  e) broach6. implies a perfection in workmanship or design that appeals only to very sensitive taste: an ~ gold bracelet. bracelet手镯  f) rare7. suggests smallness coupled with exquisiteness: precious, ~ food that leaves you hungry.  g) exiquisiteebfacgd Right group choice mean having qualities that that appeal to cultivated taste.

3/37)1. stresses extravagance or violence in expressing something: the ~s and ravings of political fanatics.  a) rhapsody2. implies verbose grandiosity or inflation of style disproportionate to the thought: pedestrian ideas dressed up with ~.  b) execute3. applies to an ecstatic or effusive utterance governed more by the feelings than by logical thought and may specifically describe an excess of more or less incoherent praise: she went into ~ over their new house.  c) fustian4. stresses the enforcing of the specific provisions of a law, will, comission, or command: charged with failing to ~ the order.  d) rant5. stresses the banality of what is expressed: dimestore novels bursting with romantic ~.  e) bombastdeabc Right <i>group bombast mean speech orNo pains, no gains不劳无获)  g) win8. implies effort in obtaining something for oneself or for another: in charge of ~ing supplies for the office.  h) acquire9. applies to an order govening some detail of conduct or procedure, enforced by a limited authority such as a municipality: a city ~.  i) gainbgechdiaf Right:) group get mean to come into possession of.

7/37)1. implies quick perception, clever resourcefulness, or sometimes devious cunning: ~ enough to know a con job when he saw one.  a) acute2. implies a power to penetrate and may suggest subtlety and depth and sharpness of insight: an ~ sense of what is linguistically effective.  b) keen3. implies the taking of immediate and effective measures to avoid, repel, or counteract  threatening evil: deftly ~ed a hostile corporate takeover.  c) sharp4. suggests quickness, enthusiasm, and a clear-sighted, penetrating mind: a ~ observer of the political scene.  d) avertWrong cadb Right:) group sharp mean having or showing alert competence and clear understanding.

8/37)1. implies serene mildness and kindliness that produce a favorable or beneficial effect: culture exchange programs have a ~ influence in world affairs.  a) priory2. denotes a monastery or a nunnery governed by an abbot or an abbess: took the message to the abbot at the ~.  b) nunnery3. stresses the idea of seclusion from the world for either sex: kept a strict silence within the ~ walls.  c) abbey4. often interchangeable with convent, refers to a cloister for nuns: found life in a ~ too restrictive.  d) cloister5. refers to a cloister for monks and may indicate a community that combines the cloistered life with teaching, preaching, or other work: left his job on Wall Street and entered a ~.  e) monastery6. indicates a community governed by a prior or prioress: summoned the inhabitants of the ~ for matins.  f) convent7. may refer to a retreat for either sex or may refer to a retreat for nuns and stresses the idea of community of living: the shared labor of life within the ~.  g) benignantgcdbeaf Right:) group cloister mean a place of retirement from the world for members of a religious community.

9/37)1. specifically implies correction of a text or manuscript: ~ the text to match the first edition.  a) deadly2. applies to something that is bound to cause death or exists for the destruction of life: ~ gas.  b) emend3. stresses the inevitability of eventual death or destruction: ~ consequences.  c) mortal4. applies to what has caused or is about to cause death: a ~ wound.  d) fatal5. applies to whatever is certain or very likely to cause death: a ~ disease.  e) lethalbedca Right:) group deadly meaning unknown

10/37)1. stresses moderation or restraint of force or intensity: ~ weather; and is often applied to what induces a feeling of quiet beauty or serenity: spoke to the patient in a ~ tone.  a) soft2. applies to things that are pleasant and agreeable rather than harsh, rough, fierce, strong, or irritating, and that produce a sense of placidity or tranquility or restrained power: a ~ rain.  b) appreciate3. implies a just estimation of a thing's value and is often used in reference to what is likely to be misjudged: failed to ~ the risks involved.  c) balmy4. stresses a relaxing, softening, or calming influence: the ~ effect of lanolin.  d) mild5. suggests refreshment and sometimes exhilaration, frequently coupled with a suggestion of fragrance: an unusually ~ day in early spring.  e) lenient6. implies a subduing of all that is vivid, intense, or forceful until it is agreeably soothing: took a walk in the ~ evening air.  f) gentle7. implies the absence of anything that might disturb, stimulate, or irritate and may suggest insipidness: spent a week on a ~ diet.  g) blanddfbecag Right:) group soft mean devoid of harshness, roughness, or intensity.

11/37)1. the most general term, refers to any whole, natural or artificial, material or immaterial, and may be used specifically of the parts or arrangements that give a whole its characteristic form or nature: studied the ~ of the atom.  a) framework2. also suggests a quality of temperament enabling one to hold one's own or keep up one's morale when opposed or threatened: too many failures had broken the ~ of the man.  b) anatomy3. applies principally to the structure of an organism or any of its parts: the ~ of the heart; but is likely to stress examination of parts and study of their relation to a whole: described the ~ of a political campaign.  c) skeleton4. applies to the bony framework of the animal body: found only the ~ of a mouse; or may imply either a carefully developed and articulated design or a sketchy conception of the whole that serves as a starting point: roughed out the ~ of the novel.  d) structure5. is used chiefly with reference to an artificial supporting construction that serves as a prop or guide but is not visible in the finished whole: the ~ of a sofa.  e) spiritdebca Right:) group structure mean the parts of or the arrangement of parts in a whole.

12/37)1. suggests a suitability through essential nature or accordance with custom: the ~ role of the First Lady.  a) fitting2. implies an answering to requirements or demands: shopped for clothes ~ for camping.  b) fit3. suggests what is effectively or successfully appropriate: a ~ choice of words.  c) apt4. implies harmony of mode or tune or purpose: ~ subjects for dinner table conversation.  d) proper5. suggests an aptness that is opportune, telling or graceful: a ~ note of apology.  e) suitable6. suggests a rightness or just proportioning and suitability: a tip that was ~ for the service rendered.  f) felicitous7. stresses adaptability and sometimes special readiness for use or action: the vessel is now ~ for service.  g) happy8. implies eminent or distinctive fitness: a golf bag is a ~ birthday gift for a golfer.  h) meet9. connotes a fitness marked by nicety and discrimination: a speech laced with some ~ quotations. (lace: 1网眼织物蕾丝 2加入夹杂酒药语言等Fred liked to lace his conversation with military terms弗雷德喜欢说话时加入军事术语)  i) appropriatedegafhbic Right:) group fit mean right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance.

13/37)1. implies a RELIABLE ability to judge and decide with SOUNDNESS, intelligence, prudence: hadn't the ~ to run out of the rain.  a) sense2. implies the use of the voice rather than the hand (as in writing or signaling in communication): legend is the ~ transmission of tradition.  b) judgment3. suggests average degree of such ability, oft with native shrewdness but ! sophistication and special knowledge: ~ tell me it's wrong.  c) wisdom4. implies senses TEMPERed and refined with experience, training, and maturity: ~ is required of a camp counselor.  d) gumption5. suggests a readiness to use and apply COMMON sense, and stress initiative and driving : a shrewd business man known for his ~.  e) common sense6. implies sense and judgment far above average: the ~ that comes from years of experience.  f) oralafebdc Right:) group sense meaning unknown

14/37)1. stresses the sensation induced or experienced: ~ to see that no bones were broken.  a) palpate2. stresses the act and may imply bodily contact or the use of an implement: ~ paint with a finger to see if it is dry; or it may imply immaterial contact: we were ~ed by his concern.  b) character3. is likely to imply clumsy or offensive handling: ~ed eagerly through the box of prizes.  c) handle4. implies examination or exploration with hands or fingers to determine qualities such as texture, weight, or condition: heavier fabrics can be appreciated better by actually ~ing them, feeling the substance and texture.  d) touch5. applies to a peculiar(=distinctive) and distinctive characteristic of an individual or class: each of the island's villages had a distinctive ~.  e) feel6. stresses the feeling of the surface of a body as a means of examining its internal condition: the doctor ~ed the abdomen and detected a swollen mass.  f) pawedfcba Right:) <i>group touch mean to get or produce or affect with a sensation by or as if by bodily contact. 首字母TFPHP想成碰碰黑头发
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